Client Quote 304/521:


Sometimes I love f*cking with morons like that. We had a marketing manager for a while where I work now; total ditz. She left and we haven't felt the need to replace her for two years.

Anyway. One day she comes in with this ***** manual, full of forms, tables, etc. Same deal with the scanning.

her: Can you scan all this stuff in and post it on the internet so I can see it?

me:'ll be all images and stuff, that's a big download.

her: No, no I don't want to download it! I want to put stuff into them! Just scan them and put it up right away!

me: hmm...sorry.


Another time: "Can we make the company logo real big and put it behind all this text?"

me: OK...

(after swallowing my pride and graying out the logo behind a block of copy) "No, no! It has to be red, like the company logo!"

me: You won't be able to read the text...

her: Just do it.

After I made it maroon, like our corporate logo (pantone 216) and stuck it behind the text..."Oh, oopsie! Change it back!"


That job, along with many of her other projects, never got finished. Big surprise.