Client Quote 208/521:


I got three here (clients are a strange breed) ;)


<client> "It's great - but can you change the colour of the header type as it isn't quite right?"

<us> "really? I thought it was okay, do you have any suggestions as to what colour you would like it?"

<client> "I better ask my wife what she thinks, I'm colour blind so I might get it wrong"


<client> I love it but could you put a one inch space between menu bat at the top and the content on every page?


(chasing up payment on a purchase order for the design of a housestyle for a PORTAL site)

<client> I'm sorry we aren't paying anything for it, it's not what we were looking for.

<us> what exactly do you mean?

<client>It looks too much like a portal


[This message has been edited by newtasty (edited 11-18-2000).]