Client Quote 238 by Artboy

God, these are great. Some of my favorites: ----------------------<client> Make the logo bigger!After swallowing my professional pride and making it (somewhat) bigger...<client> No! That's not big enough! I want it to be like a headline!<me> Like a headline on your letterhead?<client> Letterhead? No! Headline! Could you make it really big? ------------------We're doing a series of internet courses for a really big client. My boss comes back after a project meeting with th…

Client Quote 304 by Artboy

Sometimes I love f*cking with morons like that. We had a marketing manager for a while where I work now; total ditz. She left and we haven't felt the need to replace her for two years. Anyway. One day she comes in with this ***** manual, full of forms, tables, etc. Same deal with the scanning. her: Can you scan all this stuff in and post it on the internet so I can see it? me:'ll be all images and stuff, that's a big download. her: No, no I don't want to download it! I want to put…