Upon working with my first client using database interfacing, I was pretty much willing to do whatever just to pad my portfolio. They had 12k + products, pics, etc. I was supposed to make an e-commerce site and created their database as well. Okay. Here's one of the <blink>argh!</blink> instances that happened:
client: We would really like to have a searchable, fully integrated and relational online catalog.
me: Okay, but your current database does not have descriptions nor does it have a standard for product info (like size, color, etc.).
client: I guess I don't understand. We are paying you a lot of money to do this, can't you write descriptions.
me: ...
client: What's wrong with that?
me: ...
client: ...
me: How is somebody supposed to search your database when you don't have descriptions for your products other than the unstandardized, propriatary codes you have for internal use packed into a 20 character field. How is a customer supposed to know what those are?
client: Well, our AS/400 doesn't have any problem figuring it out! Why will the web server?
me: Sorry, no can do.
client: Well, I guess we will have to look elsewhere. (fine with me) I am sure someone out there will do this site for less than $1000. (riiiiight).
me: Okay.
Needless to say, I got paid (partially) and then got work that some college student was going to do it (who had no experience with this stuff). It took over a year to get up. I was about 95% done.