Client Quote 176/521:


i hate it when a company appoints someone to be in charge of their web strategy from a completely different media, who has absolutely no fucking idea what he is talking about, refuses to listen to our advice and then gets rude to project managers when they can't make sense of his insane demands.

eg. major UK client after 2 months of extensive work and close client/agency contact showing client the site at various stages, all of a sudden:

client: "this is shit"
kerb: "can you elaborate?"
client: "it's just shit"
kerb: "i'm after constructive comments here"
client: "i want it more like a movie"
kerb: "ok, but bear in mind it's a website and has to be navigable"
client: "why can't it be more like a movie, disney can make feature length animated movies, why can't you?"

i can't even remember being arsed to finish the conversation but definately mentioned the budget of millions required, bandwidth and of course the lack of interaction in general release full-length feature films.

this doesn't seem that bad when i write it now but i swear that if you knew the brand you'd be thinking "even if they had a budget of millions, if their clients all had huge bandwidth, there is no way on gods earth you'd watch a feature length movie about their product."

and to the guy who said the client is always right assuming he wasn't being ironic.. try working for some mate.