Client Quote 314 by cargoculture

This is from a freind of mine: [QUOTE]This is my all-time favourite client comment, from back in myfreelance days. Some background: I'd been called in to redesign and build auniversity site from scratch after the Head of Design's protégéeshad spent three months and 3/4 of the budget designing a home pagethat only fitted on a Mac monitor, had no navigation hierarchy andloaded pages into one ninth of the screen area (the rest of thescreen was taken up with block colours representing... thei…

Client Quote 489 by cargoculture

I recently had to write javascript for a voting form so that a pair of tickboxes acts just like a radio button. Apparently the users would be able to understand it more easily that way. I imagine they did a breif user study and all teh users not used to the web wanted the form to look more like the paper equivalent. So i've just spent a bunch of time coding stuff that i could do just by putting in a commonly used tags, but I have a horrible feeling that all the suers that have used the web befor…

Client Quote 503 by cargoculture

Only if we don't run out of clients who make dumb requests...[This message has been edited by cargoculture (edited 12-20-2000).]…