Client Quote 473 by adamCath

guys some of these are genuine stupidity but just because a client wants bright blue, doesnt mean you must bash them cant even begin to tell me that your first geocities site had no #0000FF on it...…

Client Quote 474 by adamCath

in school yearbook office...must give little background: school yearbook wins "Best Yearbook in [State]" for the past 6 thing we have in is parent "ads" to their kids. "we love you hun, great job" with pic of baby and any case.. 15$ 1/2 page ad you design20$ 1/2 page ad you come in and we design with you Now, I don't do these (I do the collages...this is whole nother story), but I was listening to my friend do one. Now this is the kind of kid that cant get a senten…