"I need more pesshht peesshht chuttt chutt papapapa on this animation"
that is a direct quote…
- Client: this is horrible, I want the menu more longer (no that wasn't a typo) Me: 'more longer'...right Client: Yeah, and I think this should always be spinning (a graphic behind the content) Me: I don't think pepole will be able to focus on the words if we have this spinning behind it Client: MAKE IT SPIN DAMNNIT!!!! (three days later) Client: Ok, I don't like this graphic spinning behind the text; you can't read the content. What if we make it more alpha. And the best quote of this thread&l…
- you won faktor http://www.dreamless.org/ubb/Forum2/HTML/000305.html…
- dekken: this should help with number 4http://www.nobr.net/dreamless/50aegold.jpg I have a meeting today, so I should have some good ones later tonight the <blink>aghhhh!</blink> still kicks ass…
- another one Client: "We're not fucking making art here" still not a reason for an ugly ass site…